When you are considering investing in the installation of a new industrial epoxy floor coating for your warehouse, office, factory the last thing you want is that it gets damages within a few months, or it just peels up or bubbles up. It will put all your time and money that you have invested in vain. By installing epoxy coating you can make your concrete surface more durable and it will give you a shiny finish. These types of the coating will last up to 2 or 3 years. You just need to spend 3 us dollars per square foot to get this coating done on your floor.
First, let us understand what is epoxy coating? Epoxy coating is a thermosetting resin applied on floors as a coating. It is the sturdiest finish that can be applied to a floor.
Below Are Few Tips to Choose the Best Industrial Epoxy Floor Coating for Your Floor:
#1. Consider How Is Your Work Environment: Depending on your work or the industry your floor may undergo serious rough use over time. It is always better to consider the stress your floor will undergo daily. Few are listed here: chemical spills, heavy foot traffic, rough cleaners, vehicle traffic, movement of heavy items which have a chance of getting dropped, high exposure to sunlight, extreme temperature differences, high-level humidity or moisture.
There are industrial epoxy floor coatings available in the market which will protect your floor from all the above-mentioned stresses. But it is always better to know what kind of stress your floor is going to suffer the most.
#2. Present Status of Your Floor: The type of industrial epoxy floor coating that will work for you the best depends on the type of floor you have whether it is made of concrete, hardwood, steel, tile, or a combination of all these. For example, enamel coating is susceptible to moisture to be used with concrete surfaces.
You must have seen most industrial floors are made of concrete. But all of them are not the same. You need to consider the age of the floor, the density and how structurally sound the concrete floor is. It is also mandatory to have a professional moisture test done.
#3. Proper Preparation of The Floor: After choosing the right floor coating simply asking someone to coat your floor doesn’t guarantee that your coating will work. The industrial epoxy floor coating may not bond properly with the floor in the presence of dust, oil, or moisture. A floor on which coating has been applied without proper pre-assessment is more likely to get bubbled up, peel up, blisters or other damages that affect the performance of the floor.
#4. Hire an Expert Installation Company: Having an epoxy coating applied will require an investment of time and money and other resources. So, it is very important to get it right on the very first time otherwise it may lead to a heavy loss. Getting the job done from an inexperienced installer may have a risk of improper installation. This will make your floor look untidy. Moreover, it becomes highly prone to damages.
Industrial epoxy floor coating is not just any other normal paint coating. It requires a specific skill and technique to install. Getting the job done by an experienced company will be more profitable and moreover, a good and experienced company will able to complete the work in the most efficient way.
These were the factors that you should keep in mind in order to get the best industrial epoxy floor coating for your floor.